IEEE Award to GTI members



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IEEE Award to GTI members

José L. Herrera, Carlos R. del Blanco, and Narciso García have been named winners of the 2019 IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Chester Sall Award for the first place best paper in the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 2017.


The presentation of the award will be made at the Awards Luncheon for the 2019 ICCE Conference, which will take place in Las vegas on January 11-13, 2019.

First Place Transactions Award (the original letter here)

“A Novel 2D to 3D Video Conversion System Based on a Machine Learning Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 62, no. 4, pp 429-436, November 2016. (doi: 10.1109/TCE.2016.7838096).

Abstract: TThere has been recently a significant increase in the number of available 3D displays and players. Nevertheless, the amount of 3D content has not increased in the same magnitude, creating a gap between 3D offer and demand. To reduce this difference, many algorithms have appeared that perform 2D-to-3D image and video conversion. These algorithms usually require several images from the same scene to perform the conversion. In this paper, an automatic algorithm for estimating the 3D structure of a scene from a single color image is proposed. It is based on the key assumption that color images with similar structure will likely present similar depth structures. The conversion algorithm is split into an offline and an online module to be easily deployable into consumer devices, such as smartphones or TVs. The offline module pre-processes a color+depth image database to speed up the subsequent depth estimation. The online module infers a depth prior from a color query image using the previous database as training data. Then, it is refined through a segmentation-guided filtering. The conversion algorithm has been evaluated in three publicly available databases, and compared with several state-of-theart algorithms to prove its efficiency.

You can download it here.