International Summer School on eXtended Reality Technology and eXperience

July 18 - 21, 2023 | Madrid

Hosted by GTI @UPM

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The tentative program of the International Summer School on eXtended Reality Technology and eXperience is:



Tuesday 18

Wednesday 19

Thursday 20

Friday 21



Registration and Preparation






Introduction to XR

Pablo Cesar

Self-representation in VR: Embodiment and Body illusions When Interacting with Multisensory Interfaces

Ana Tajadura-Jimenez

Social VR / XR powered with holographic comms    

Mario Montagud

Immersive Interaction inside the content

Mar González-Franco


Coffee break



Fostering Prosocial Behaviour Using Virtual Reality

Mel Slater

3D Digital Avatars with Machine Learning

Dan Casas

Using Artificial Intelligence to enhance the XR experience

Ester González-Sosa

Practical Session

Elena Márquez Segura


Posters / Demos

(by the students)

Posters / Demos

(by the students)

Posters / Demos

(by the students)





Practical Session

Sandra Malpica

Industry Session

Inmersiva XR

Practical Session

Telmo Zarraonandia

Final presentations / Reports



Coffee break



Practical Session

Sandra Malpica

Cross-platform collaboration in XR applications

Sergio Cabrero

Practical Session

Telmo Zarraonandia









Cultural activities

The UPM International Summer School offers complementary culinary, cultural and weekend activities:





Immersive Interaction inside the content

Mar González-Franco

When we move the users beyond flat screens into immersive games, we open new avenues for embodied interaction. Once inside the immersive content, users expect to locomote naturally, but their spaces might be tiny, they want grab objects in their surroundings but they lack haptics, or can crash against their furniture, they also experience issues with their actual performance, how will you play an immersive tennis game if you are indeed a very poor tennis player. All of these issues get even more amplified from an accessibility perspective. This shift from 2d to immersive, comes with a set of new constraints and opportunities we will discuss in this talk.



Fostering Prosocial Behaviour Using Virtual Reality

Mel Slater

This talk will cover a series of studies where virtual reality scenarios have been used to promote prosociality. This will include bystander responses to violent behaviour, sexual harassment, and police behaviour towards African Americans. This work relies on the illusions of presence and body ownership in VR.



Using Artificial Intelligence to enhance the XR experience

Ester González-Sosa

In this talk, we will present and discuss how we have used AI to enhance the XR experience. We will mainly focus on our video-based self-avatar prototype, which enables you to see your real body immersed in the XR scene. We will share practical insights regarding deploying ML in XR and real scenarios, such as real-time requirements, scarcity of appropriate data and associated time-consuming labeling tasks, evaluation procedures, and bias mitigation.



Self-representation in VR: Embodiment and Body illusions When Interacting with Multisensory Interfaces

Ana Tajadura-Jimenez

Virtual Reality (VR) has the power to alter our perception of reality, including how we view our own bodies and ourselves. This class explores the concept of self-representation in VR, focusing on embodiment and body illusions through interactions with multisensory interfaces. The class delves into the malleability of body perception, which  n be altered by manipulating sensory feedback. Key topics covered include body ownership, self-other merging, self-location, and body shape illusions. The class outlines the principles and measures behind these illusions, highlighting how continuous updates in body and self-representation enable adaptation to new configurations and abilities. It also acknowledges the potential applications in various domains. The class raises thought-provoking questions about the malleability of body and self-representation and the consequences of incorporating VR and other sensory technologies into everyday life.



Social VR / XR powered with holographic comms

Mario Montagud

Social Virtual / eXtended Reality (XR / VR) has emerged as a promising social interaction, communication, and collaboration medium, attracting the attention of both the research community and industry alike. This talk will firstly introduce the Social VR / XR concept, presenting existing platforms and highlighting its wide applicability in relevant sectors of our society. This review is targeted at reflecting on preliminarily proven benefits that Social VR / XR provides compared to classical 2D videoconferencing platforms and on the relevance of the avatars’ appearance, but interestingly also on fostering brainstorming on potential challenges, needs and opportunities in this domain. Then, the talk will elaborate on the relevance of providing realistic and volumetric (i.e. 3D holographic) users’ representations in Social VR scenarios, as well as on state-of-the-art solutions and emerging challenges to maximize the quality of experience, while minimizing costs. Finally, the talk will discuss about how next-generation holographic communications can be enabled by leveraging smart (toward 6G) networks and the computing continuum, maximizing scalability, interoperability, and robustness.



3D Digital Avatars with Machine Learning

Dan Casas

Creating 3D digital humans is an active area of research due to a large number of applications in many fields, including fashion design, e-commerce, virtual try-on, and video games. The traditional approaches to this problem use physics-based simulation techniques to model how clothing deforms, but the high computational cost required at run time hinders the deployment of these techniques to real-world applications. Alternatively, recent methods based on Machine Learning are able to reconstruct 3D humans and garments directly from images and to infer how 3D garments deform when worn by arbitrary body shapes. This has opened the door to the democratization of digital clothing, with a direct impact on video games, to improve to the visual fidelity of 3D characters; online shopping, to enable to virtually try on clothes in online stores; and communication, to improve the fidelity of virtual environments. In this talk, I will introduce recent state-of-the-art techniques for digital avatars introduced by our lab, including friendly descriptions of the fundamental parts of this exciting line of research in Computer Graphics and Machine Learning. Plenty of cool video results and nice 3D renders!.



Cross-platform collaboration in XR applications

Sergio Cabrero

Widespread adoption of XR goes hand in hand with lowering access barriers. One of this barriers is that XR collaborative applications are often designed and implemented for a specific device or platform. However, in real deployments, people will not always want or be able to use XR headsets, or simply they will not have access to them. In this talk, we will cover our work in three projects (INFINITY, ARETE and COLOSSEUM), in which we have developed applications that allow collaboration of users using devices of different type (AR, VR, smartphone or laptops). These applications will serve as the starting point to discuss how future collaborative XR applications could adapt to different platforms.