![]() |
![]() +34.913.367.353 |
![]() Francisco Morán Burgos Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación (C-306) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid E-28040 Madrid - SPAIN |
![]() +34.913.367.353 |
![]() fmb AT gti.ssr.upm.es fmb AT efemebe.net |
![]() Español | ![]() Français |
finger me! |
I was born for the first time on the 19670202 in Madrid (Spain). The kid in the picture is me; unfortunately, I'm no longer the kid in the picture... {:-(
I studied at the Lycée Français de Madrid and then at the ETSIT (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación) de la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). I carried the work of my Master's Thesis on 3D objects modelling and visualization at the Département Images de l'ENST (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications) de ParisI>, now TELECOM-ParisTech, in 1990, with an Erasmus scholarship. I presented that work later at the GTI (Grupo de Tratamiento de Imágenes) [Image Processing Group] of the DSSR (Departamento de Señales, Sistemas y Radiocomunicaciones) of the ETSIT-UPM, where I've been working since 1992 as a researcher and, since 1997, as a professor too.
Thanks to the GTI, to a grant of the FPI (Formación del Personal Investigador) programme of the Comunidad de Madrid, and to Miguel Ortiz, director of the Solids Mechanics Group of the Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories of CalTech (California Institute of Technology), I spent the 1996-97 AY (Academic Year) in a brain farm in Pasadena, which is one of the least disgusting suburbs that are pasted together by neverending highways to form the «meta-pseudo-city» of Los Angeles. Over there I also met Peter Schröder, director of the Multi-Res[olution] Modeling Group of CalTech's Computer Science Department, who taught me most of what I know about subdivision surfaces and hierarchical schemes for 3D objects modelling. Then I learnt some more and, after much suffering for writing my Ph.D. dissertation, some very wise men named me a «doctor» (not surprisingly, since «doctor» is, precisely, who knows more) in December 2001.
During the 1997-98 AY, I was a part-time Assistant Professor at the ETSIT-UPM, where I taught some lessons of Televisión II [Digital TV], in the 5th grade, and all of Gráficos [Graphics], in the Ph.D. curriculum of the DSSR. I was also, during two AYs, a part-time Assistant Professor at the ETSI (Escuela Técnica Superior de Informática) of the UAM (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), where I taught two courses: TALF I (Teoría de Autómatas y Lenguajes Formales, I) [Automata and Formal Languages Theory, I], from the 2nd grade, and Gráficos, from the 4th grade. From January 2000, I became a full-time (first Assistant, then Associate) Professor at the ETSIT-UPM, where I taught several courses of the previous Telecom. Eng. and Ph.D. curricula, and now teach another five of three current curricula: STRA (Sistemas de TRAnsmisión) [Transmission Systems], from the 3rd grade, TV (TeleVisión) [TV], from the 4th grade, CMAV (CoMunicaciones AudioVisuales) [Audiovisual Communications], from the 4th grade, SIP (SImulación y Planificación quirúrgica) [Surgical simulation and planning], from the 4th grade of the Biomedical Eng. curriculum, and SSMM (Sistemas y Servicios MultiMedia) [Multimedia systems and services], from the 1st grade of the Masters curriculum.
My activities at the GTI involve many trips due to conferences, or to the meetings of European research projects, or of the MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), the team of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in charge of standardising efficient methods to code video sequences and their associated audio (MPEG-1 and MPEG-2), interactive multimedia applications (MPEG-4) and even stranger things (MPEG-7 and MPEG-21). Of those standards, I'm especially interested in MPEG-4, because it contains tools for 3D models compression, which is what I know more about. That's why I host in our W³ server some pages dealing with the work we're carrying inside the MPEG's 3DGC (3D Graphics Compression) subgroup.
Since the end of 1994, I'm also the SM (System Manager / Sado-Maso) of the
PSST1: in fact, what I really like is cinema.
PSST2: here and here (if your web
browser eats
VRML) you can see
some of my programming ravings, sponsored by the
Mad Cows Foundation.