
Yes, that's me!

The difficult thing about juggling firing torches at night is that the flames make it quite hard to see the rest of the sticks. Of course, you can always juggle them in the daylight, or even unlit -- but then it's somewhat less spectacular... Anyway, whenever you miss and grab the wrong end, it's not that terrible: you just burn your hand, and it smells like fried chicken.

Netspin_anim If your W³ browser doesn't support Java applets and the like, my pages won't look the way they're supposed to: do yourself a BIG favour and get Netscape 2.0+ now! Otherwise (if your browser does eat Java), check this out!

I, juggling around the world Mundo_anim

(ossea, una de Kilroy guasjier en plan «Mucho Soundruido y pocas pelotas»...)
Red ball Yellow ball Green ball Blue ball Magenta ball 5 ball cascade

My best runs last currently for 40 catches or so, but someday I'll do it fluently, and there'll be an MPEGged Movie video here to prove it. And then, I'll be able to say I'm a «real juggler» (see below). But for the time being, you can only watch me practice in a couple of wonderful beaches: that of Carnota (Galicia, Spain), where there're dolphins swimming around sometimes, and that of Mangue Seco (Bahia, Brazil), which is the fantastic spot that inspired Jorge Amado's novel «Tieta de Agreste».

Black ball Black ball Black ball 3 coconuts in Jaipur, India
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I know this will sound like an excuse to you, but it's not my fault if my friend Fernando-the-traveller doesn't know how to use his supposedly fully-automatic/dumb-proof (but in fact quite-shitty) camera: it took him years to take this picture -- BTW, I'm sorry there're no elephants in it.

Club In some beach close to Santa Cruz, CA, USA
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Really lousy-quality picture, but a very funny one for me, because I look like a bodyguard in his day off. It could define the spanish word «macarra», so f&#@%;ingly difficult to translate.

Club Passing clubs in Carmel beach (Monterey, CA, USA)
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The other juggler is my friend Juan, who's half-french -- nobody's perfect! The kid in the red thing is a cousin of mine called John Paul (but better known as Picabuto) who's lots of lots of fun. I'm the guy facing the camera and showing off.

Club Passing clubs in Carnota beach (Galicia, Spain)
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This picture was taken by Garbiñe, who is a graduate in Fine Arts, believe it or not -- fortunately, I have another picture of Martina (a.k.a. Kleinecilla), so please do meet her.

Club Au manège des Halles (Paris, France)
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J'aime bien cette photo, que j'ai du retoucher (elle n'était pas d'une qualité grandiose), parce que je me suis bien amusé là-bas.

Club En casa (Madrid, España)
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Una foto bastante sosa, salvo por mi hermana Sara, que es la que sale de espaldas.

Real jugglers

Red ball THE Scottish Couple in Munich, Germany
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Those are the guys that made us (my friend Juan and I) want to become jugglers: they were not very, very good technically, but they certainly were one of the funniest couples of jugglers we've ever seen, with their kilts and their John Smith's and their krazy sense of humour...

Blue ball A show at the infamous Pier 39 (San Francisco, CA, USA)
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A couple of guys passing seven torches while riding their unicycles -- WOW!

Magenta ball Dan García
This is one guy I would like to meet someday, because many of his interests seem to be pretty close to my own. The only reason why I hate him is that he's already got a video that I mirror here [160x120 pixels, 218 frames: MPEG, 506 KB] so that the entire world can see he's a «real juggler».

Yellow ball Juggling Info. Service
If you really like juggling, here's where you're going to spend your next few hours, and if you've heard or want to learn more about public-domain site-swap software, you definitely MUST look here. They also have some great computer generated animations that I mirror in my Movie_animMPEGs page.

Grey ball News group
If you have news in your system, you may also want to suscribe to rec.juggling.

Puntos de práctica en España

Red ball Madrid

Asociación de Malabaristas
Correo c/ Alonso Castrillo, 18 bajo - E28020 Madrid - ESPAÑA
Tel +34.915.702.547

Los malabaristas madrileños se reúnen para practicar y echar unas risas los miércoles y viernes a partir de las seis de la tarde en el Albergue Juvenil de la Casa de Campo (Metro «Lago»). Hace siglos que yo no me paso por allí, pero doy fe de que son unos tíos divertidísimos.
PSST: las tías también son divertidísimas... ;-)

Blue ball Barcelona
Lunes y jueves a las siete y media en el Ateneo Popular de Nou Barris (c/ Portlligat).

Green ball Valladolid
Miércoles y viernes a las seis en el Centro Cívico Juan de Austria (cerca de El Corte Inglés).

Yellow ball Zaragoza
Domingos a mediodía en el kiosko de música del Parque Grande y jueves a las ocho en el Instituto Pablo Gargallo (Camino de Miraflores, s/n).

Cyan ball Pamplona
Lunes y jueves a las siete y media, en el Centro Cultural Juslarrotxa (Paseo de los enamorados del Barrio de la Rotxapea).

Magenta ball Asturias
Martes a las cinco en la Casa de la Cultura de Vibaño (Llanes).
Nota: toda esta información, bastante antigua, es del Ambidextro (boletín informativo de la AM) de febrero de 1995. Si ves algo mal/incompleto, por favor mándame un mensaje a fmb AT y lo corrijo/amplío.

«But MOM! I want to go to the circus and watch brightly-colored, socially-marginal nomadic misfits juggle.» -- Bart Simpson.