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News and Events 

DESEi+d 2023

The X edition of the National Congress of R&D in Defense and Security (DESEi+d 2023)" took place at the Escuela de Infantería de Marina "General Albacete y Fuster" (EIMGAF) located in Cartagena, during the 14th, 15th and 16th of November 2023. It was a meeting point to present and disseminate the results obtained in those works, projects and research related to R&D in the field of defense and security.


DESEID2023 Presentation


There we presented in poster format our work entitled "Centralized unmanned vehicle fleet routing system based on Transformer neural networks". In this work we solve the problem of routing fleets of unmanned agents in rescue and salvage, surveillance or combat applications using a centralized Transformer neural network to predict optimal routes that maximize battery consumption and visit the largest number of search areas in the shortest possible time.


DESEID2023 Poster


Web congress:ón.aspxón.aspx
